
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sculpting for September

This full-time sculpting gig is great! I've really been able to get to work on some projects that have been brewing in the back of my mind while going through the whole film project process. Now that all of that is finished I can finally get back to my first original passion of sculpting.

I just finished two sculpts for IMPACT! Miniatures based on a couple of pieces of art they licensed from Matt Dixon. Those are off and away in the post - hopefully they will arrive safe 'n' sound.

In addition to that, I turned in an all new torso for the Spider Queen sculpt to Reaper Miniatures along with four other figures for their new Chronoscope line which they have posted on their site.

I'm currently working on six other pieces with the infernal "green stuff' and will post those as soon as I can. Also, I will be moving the content from the old MorganKeith Studios website to here since I will be continuing painting and sculpting in miniature. Vicky has now branched out into cake design and she will have her own web space with all of that stuff as soon as I can get the code finished.

More soon.

P -

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Monsters Anonymous

It took all of two weeks for us to complete the work on Monsters Anonymous, but it is finally done!

Check out the entry we did for the Fox Animated Series contest! Vote for our entry and help us win a TV development deal with Fox Networks!

Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at Aniboom