
Monday, June 28, 2010

Sculpts for June

Here is a new batch of greens Reaper posted for June. Some of these figures I finished before Reaper Con but it's been tough getting back on track after the convention.

The henchman figure seems a lime green color due to the putty mix I used for this particular figure. In a never-ending quest to find the ultimate sculpting material I continue to experiment with material mixes to get a satisfactory result. In the case of the henchman figure I added about 30% Magic Sculp to my greenstuff mix. All I had on hand was white so it really lightened up the color. This really cut the elasticity inherent with greenstuff and allowed me to get really crisp details without making the final piece too brittle.

I am currently doing a test piece in Fimo Classic. So far the results are spectacular. I mixed a bit of black into the classic white to give it a nice cool gray color. My eyesight is very pleased. The Fimo remains a bit spongy and so most of the techniques I utilize for greenstuff remains similar. However, since it is not an epoxy the working time remains indefinite until I choose to bake it. Once the casting tests are done I will try to post results.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Moving Forward

I have always considered myself to be a better sculptor than a 2d artist and the stint of work that we just completed on the Savage North reaffirmed that impression. Not that the material is unprofessional, it is comparable to what is currently being published in the tabletop battle game industry. But when reflecting on your own material, you become your own worst critic. Either that or other people are too polite to put you in your place.

With that said, I certainly feel the creative team on Savage North put the best possible work they could into it with the time, materials and resources at hand. I would certainly like to thank Gus, Ron, Ed and the whole Reaper team for trusting us to deliver a top tier product that will move the Warlord brand forward and expand its possibilities. Now that it is at the printer and a proof copy is mere days away, I am looking forward to the work we've done in its intangible form (pixels) becoming a printed reality.

Vicky and I are even now honing our design skills even further to take on additional upcoming projects for Reaper. We are taking a marked effort to renew and practice our fundamental drawing skills that all of our art relies on so heavily. In the upcoming weeks following GenCon we will be working on a long time project called Cobalt69. During the week at ReaperCon I passed around a small 8 page sample of the concept for the proposed game setting and it was met with favorable response. It is currently scheduled for an August 2011 release along with a few other titles going to press prior to then. This is particularly exciting time to pool the creative resources and build a game that will be a direct product of all out creative input and decisive design intent.