
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Death Star Battle Event Blog

I am currently working with a couple of my gaming buddies to put an event together for GenCon this year. Darren West is designing the rules based on Star Wars Saga Edition RPG Starship combat rules.
Brett Amundson is helping with rules, playtesting, table layout and model fabrication & painting. I am working on creating & painting models as well as setting up the Death star surface for the gaming table.

The initial goal of running the Death Star Run scenario is to faithfully recreate the Battle of Yavin at the end of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope but also allow the players versatile control over their forces to achieve a victory with either side. Check out all our progress at the event blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Greebo - Silvania Elf Team

Greebo Miniatures (formerly associated with Roll Jordan) has announced the release of the Silvania Elf Team for Bloodbowl and Elfball games that I sculpted for them in November. Impact! Miniatures will be carrying the line as the US distributor and they should be available from their online store within a week or so.